Configuration File
Barracuda Admin avatar
Written by Barracuda Admin
Updated over a week ago

access-cli uses a configuration file that lets you adjust some aspects of its behavior. This file is created by access-cli, but it is not changed by the program, and must be edited manually.

By default, access-cli creates and looks for the configuration file in a folder owned by the user. The exact path is platform-dependent. You can see what path access-cli will use by default in the “Global flags” section of the help text:

$ access-cli help
Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is /home/myuser/.config/barracuda/access-cli/config.yaml)

The path to the config file can be overridden in two different ways:

  • Using the environment variable ACCESS_CLI_CONFIG_FILE, set to the full path of the file.

  • Using the flag --config followed by the full path of the file. This takes precedence over the environment variable.

The “full path of the file” can be absolute or relative, and must include the file name and extension.


As indicated by the extension, YAML format is expected. All configuration parameters are optional. Here is an example of a complete config file:

outputFormat: table
pipeOutputFormat: json
recordsPerGetRequest: 50
defaultRangeSize: 20
cachePath: /tmp/access-cli-cache



This defines the default output format, for commands where the --output flag can be used, if an interactive terminal is detected. It is ignored if the --output flag is explicitly provided.

Possible values: table, csv, json, json-pretty

Default value: table


This defines the default output format, for commands where the --output flag can be used, if an interactive terminal is not detected. It is ignored if the --output flag is explicitly provided.

Possible values: table, csv, json, json-pretty

Default value: json


access-cli abstracts pagination in server requests, exposing only --range-start and --range-end to the user, which operate on record indexes and not pages. This setting controls how many records should be requested per page on list commands. Setting a larger value results in less requests being made when retrieving large numbers of records, at the expense of wasting more bandwidth if the requested record range starts or ends near a page boundary.

Possible values: Any integer from 1 to 100.

Default value: 50


How many records to display on list commands, when neither --range-start, --range-end or --list-all are specified.

Possible values: Any positive, non-zero integer.

Default value: 20


Path for cache files. Currently used only if --experimental-use-cache is specified on endpoint set. Note that this setting does not control whether the cache is used. Because it changes an aspect of the communication with the API, that setting is actually stored in the credentials file.

Possible values: Any valid folder path. access-cli will attempt to create the folder the first time it writes to cache, if it does not exist.

Default value: Platform- and user-dependent. See “User wide cache folder” in configdir

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