Minimum OS supported versions:
Debian 9
Centos 7
Ubuntu 16.04
MacOS 10.14
Docker (version 18.02.0+)
Docker Compose (version 1.21.0+)
The required images are available in the Dockerhub registry under the organization FydeInc.
Choose Install Script or Manual Steps to proceed.
Install Script
* The steps below will execute a script obtained externally. It is recommended that you inspect the content before execution.
Copy and execute the script.
sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Manual Steps
1. Create the docker-compose file.
Download the docker-compose file: docker-compose.yml.
Ensure that configured host port for Envoy matches the one configured in the CloudGen Access Enterprise Console for the corresponding CloudGen Access Proxy.
Update FYDE_ENROLLMENT_TOKEN value with the CloudGen Access Proxy enrollment link.
2. Start the services (detached).
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
3. Check logs.
sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml logs -f